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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A car-free Manhattan?

If you're following the news, you know that New York City is in the grips of one of those big-up Transit Strikes. And to prevent the inevitable gridlock that would become Manhattan's streets, Mayor Bloomberg has imposed strict rules onto driving into the island. A car must have at least four occupants in order to be in many parts of Manhattan, and other traffic arteries like 5th Avenue have been closed to all but emergency traffic--and bikes. This is prompting news sources to say Transit Strike Is a Bike Rider's Dream! (go here for the story)

An interesting quote from a Julie, a 39-year-old fashion designer: "I don't have the clothes for biking in the cold like this. I'm in fashion, so I have to dress. Normally I wear heels..."
I dunno about you, but that just shows me how useless things like "fashion designers" are. Form follows function, I say. Now let's see if this inspires her to create a line of bicycling clothes...


  1. how about "i'm a bicyclist, so i have to dress"? I wonder what makes "dressing" for fashion different from "having to dress" for anything else, like, say, THE WEATHER?

    thanks for your informative posts, fellow adventurer!



  2. Ah, Patrick, you forget that "dressing" is different than dressing. If you spent thousands of dollars on a degree and then throw a couple of scraps of fabric together and get a thousand bucks for it, you would understand!


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