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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Trans-Oregon Tour: Friday June 4

Interpretive display on the long climb on US 26 out of Prairie City up to Dixie Pass

Clouds, rain, mountains, grass, sky

Friday was a good day, but a long and strenuous one. I started the day later than I cared to, taking down camp in the rain. And soon after leaving Prairie City I began the 9 mile climb to Dixie Summit. It wasn't as tough as Keyes Creek, but it was still a workout no matter which way you look at it. And the Summit elevation was 5277 feet, just shy of a mile high by three measely feet. The highest I've climbed on a bike! (i've biked in Denver, so I have biked at this elevation before.)

A thrilling descent down through beautiful Ponderosa forest and then the start of the second climb to Tipton Summit. Not as high or long as Dixie, but still tough. Then down again and a cruise along a gorgeous valley. I stopped to take a photo, trying to capture the postcard perfect image that just smacks of "The West." Stereotypical, yes. But what the hey? I thought to myself "It don't get better than this." Then I heard the rumble of thunder, and turned around to see an ominous cloud approaching. Uh oh.

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