To The Olympic Peninsula!
Longtime readers to this oh-so-sporadically updated blog (hi, David S!) may remember the big bike tour I was doing in May of 2009. Originally it was going to be bike north from Portland to Vancouver, hang out there and in Victoria, then come back to Portland via the west side of the Olympic Peninsula. Due to circumstances, I only got the first half of the trip done, leaving the bike tour of the Olympic Peninsula (west of Port Townsend/Port Angeles) for the mythical "another time".
Well, that another time is now!
Tonight I hop on the big old Amtrak, pause overnight in Seattle, then take the bus to Mt. Vernon. From there I'll ride westward across Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands, hop on a ferry to Port Townsend, and continue my westward push across the Olympic Peninsula. When the road dips south at Forks, so will I. I plan on ending at Lake Quinault. From there I can take a bus to Aberdeen and then Olympia, where I can catch Amtrak back home. This should all take about 10 days.
Oh yeah, my sweetie April will be with me on this one! It shall be interesting, since we have biked and traveled before, but this is the first time I've been on an honest-to-goodness "bike tour" with her, since we've only done a maximum of 3 days bike touring before.
And oh will it be fun! Late July seems to be the perfect time for that particular corner of the world, as the chances of seeing sun are good and seeing rain is minimal. But there will be plenty of other things to see, like blue waters, white capped mountains, and lots and lots of green.
I will do my best to update this blog on the trip. I tried to do it on the last trip, but with spotty WiFi and a clunky "iPhone" app, I didn't get that much done. I will try better this time. See y'all when I get back.
Have a fun, safe time!