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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Ultimate Irony: Winter knocks on our door again

Snow at the Kitten Shack, Portland, Dec 2009. Photo by me.

Snow in Edmonton, which is I'm guessing every month. Photo by ravingbikefiend.
We've had it good in Portland over the last month.  High temps have been hovering around 50F/10C, it hasn't been that rainy, and all the bulbs are coming up. Meanwhile Back East they've been getting blizzard after blizzard, and freezing temps have reached far southward.  It was hard for me to gloat. Especially on all those bike blogs complaining about the snow.

And now this week: the temperature has dropped somewhat, we actually saw some snowfall last week (it didn't stick), and now we have a "Winter Storm Warning".  They're predicting that snow will start happening tonight, and continue through tomorrow.  We could get a few inches. It's predicted to drop to 18F (-8C) on Friday night!  And the East is starting to thaw!

I guess it's payback for me gloating.

Now if this snow came in say, mid-January, I'd probably be into it.  But it's almost March, a time when it rarely snows in Portland. I just want winter to be a memory.  I deal with it when it happens, though.  And as I've said elsewhere, I'd rather take two days of snow than two months.  I don't know if I'll get any snow biking in, since I have the next few days off and no real need to leave the house.  But it would be fun, so we'll see.

I saw a little wintry stuff fall in the last hour, but as the air temp is 40F/4C it was brief.  Whenever it does start snowing, we'll be sure to see the post on Bikeportland.  And the city will. Grind. To. A. Halt.  So stock up on provisions, people!

1 comment:

  1. I won't gloat...but I'm glad we're done with the snow here in the UK (down south anyway).
    We just have lots of rain to look forward to...which I far worse than snow...especially when the rain gets heavy.

    Hope your snow doesn't stick around for too long.


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