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Friday, April 20, 2012

Zine-O-Rama, April 2012: Canadian Content Part One

Hello friends! It's been a long time since I've done a Zine-O-Rama. The last one was January 2011! (And I only did one before that, in December of 2010.) So let's get down to biz-ness, baby!

For this installment (and the next) we're heading north to those provinces north of the us-a, yep, we're talking about Canada! And the zine I'll be talking about today is one I also talked about in December 2010: Sarah Evans and Alan Barbour's fine THE MOTIVIST. The MOTIVIST documents their meanderings by bike and foot around the Maritime Provinces. Their aim is "to examine the geographic and provincial, exploring and mapping our world with a new eye on history." 
Sarah and Al put out Volume 2 of this fine series in 2011. The three issues so far in this volume (June, July, and October) document a bicycle tour they and their friends took from Halifax, NS northward through New Brunswick via the Saint Johns River and onwards to Quebec City, then back towards home via the coast of New Brunswick. This is an area April and I had hoped to tour through last year but couldn't due to time constraints. Not exactly the most bike-toured area, so this is what made it even more fun and special. So it was great to live vicariously through the intrepid crews' writing! Photos, drawings, and maps abound.
Sarah and Al have recently moved from Halifax to Sackville, NB. They have plans of opening a bike shop there, so if you're touring through the area (and if you are touring into Nova Scotia, you probably will pass by Sackville) you should definitely stop by and say hi!
Year-long subscriptions to the MOTIVIST are $25 Canadian but you can probably get an individual issue for a couple bucks. Write them: 


  1. This zine looks great.

    Are you aware of any American cycling zines?

  2. Yes, there are. Taking the Lane by Elly Blue and Boneshaker from the top of my head. They are out there, but listing them would be the subject of another blog post.


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