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Monday, May 21, 2012


Yep, Sunday was the big solar eclipse. April and I were hoping to see it. But the weather in the morning wasn't promising, as it was raining and then turned to cloudy for the rest of the day. Oh Portland, the irony: we have two weeks--two weeks!--of sun sans rain, and the day that it really matters, it's overcast.

So the day went by and I didn't think much about it. The chances of seeing it were slim.

Then around 5pm, the time the eclipse was starting, the heavy clouds burned away, leaving a haze that the sun peeked through. And at a little after 6:20, I looked out the kitchen window and very much saw the solar eclipse! The sun was a slender crescent. I quickly grabbed my camera and shot some shots. The first one is right after the "peak", when the moon covered 87% of the sun. The subsequent shots were shot in rapid succession, and show the moon quickly shrinking away from the sun. Yeah, they aren't the greatest photos, but so what?

1 comment:

  1. While obviously we tried not to stare directly into it (and I couldn't get a decent pic),we all went out in the back yard to check it out too-it was clear and cloudless here. Beautiful it was :D

    The Disabled Cyclist


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