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Monday, September 03, 2012

Out To The Coast...

Because I had to work all weekend, I didn't go on the Cycle Wild Labor Day trip (though I planned it!*) But I do have three days off starting today. And I want to get away. And April really wants to get away. You see, she likes the ocean. And she hasn't seen the true ocean since before our big tour last year. So she's jonesin'. But where to go?

Three days is enough to theoretically ride to the coast and back, but we'd be doing more riding to and from the coast than actually being at the coast. No, we're more concerned about being out there than how we get out there. So that opens up the bus option. That usually means taking the Wave bus out to Tillamook and then riding the 12 miles to Cape Lookout State Park. We both really like Cape Lookout, but that bus does not run on Labor Day, which would reduce our nights at the beach to one since we'd take the bus out Tuesday. One night is not enough for April.

So we're going to take the Point bus out to Astoria and then bike to Cape Disappointment State Park in Washington. Yes, I was just there in June. But April hasn't been there in two years. Plus, I really like Cape Disappointment. There's enough to explore, like beaches, trails, lighthouses, and a museum. And this will give us an excuse to spend a few hours in Astoria on Monday on the way out to Cape Disappointment, and on Wednesday when we catch the Point back to Portland.

Should be fun! Nice cool coastal weather and lots to explore. Expect a report when we return.

 *Sorry about that wrong turn, Chris.

1 comment:

  1. have fun! i can't find any info about bikes on the NW Point bus. are there fees? do you have to box the bike? I want to go to Gearhart sometime this year and this seems like a good option.


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