NOTE 23 January 2014: New posts are no longer posted to this blog. New stuff at my new blog, Please go there! All old and new posts are there, and you can also comment, too!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bloggering Updates

Hey folks, I'm moving towards the inevitable move of this blog from here on Blogger over to Wordpress. The new address will be The blogger blog will still have new entries until the end of this year, then everything will be on wordpress in 2014. Exciting!

And because I've been in the mood to experiment with blogging-type platforms, I decided to create a (gasp!) Tumblr blog. Since tumblr is more suited to photos and such, my tumblr will be photo-specific. The theme is interesting bicycles that I've spotted in my travels around Portland. So if you are into that type of thing, go check it out:

And yep, I need to write a bunch o' stuff. I know.

1 comment:

  1. congrats =) ive added it to my feedly/rss thing.
    happy end of the year / nye festivities


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