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Friday, March 04, 2011

Portland Tweed Ride is Saturday!

No time for a regular post, so I'm not even going to talk about the SECOND flat that I got on my Raleigh today.

Haters may hate, but one of my favorite rides, the Tweed Ride, is happening this Saturday, March 5th!  There's actually two this year, the March one is a "Virtue" based ride, while the April 2nd ride is "Vice".  Here's the lovely bicycle poster designed by Gabriel Amadeus Tiller:

This ride will meet at Union Station at 11am.

Here's a photo with of April and I (plus special guest Timo) from last year, via the flickr of one cr_kn:


  1. These rides make me sad, as I'm allergic to wool, and live in misery over it. This would be like rubbing salt in my wounds.

  2. Man, that sucks!

    Just wondering if you know that you are allergic to the wool itself? I've heard that a lot of people who have a "wool" allergy are not actually allergic to the wool itself, but allergic to the dyes and chemicals they used to process cheaper, rougher wool of yesteryear. Supposedly the new tech stuff that Ibex, Icebreaker, et al makes doesn't have the same issues.

    Or you can just wear a synthetic stuff that has a "tweed" look!


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