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Sunday, March 06, 2011

Three Speed Poster is Done!

Yep, fresh from the printer is the batch of screenprinted posters I've designed for the Three Speed Ride!  

Big thanks to Fred DiMeglio of Man vs. Ink for the printing--they look great!

Here's what the actual poster looks like, placed over April's laptop (the size is 8" x 18").  Click on the image for a larger view:

And here's 4" x 6" cards I had made.  I gave out a bunch of these at Saturday's Tweed Ride:

I'll be passing out more cards and hanging up posters in bike shops in the coming days.  And don't forget, I'll be selling posters at the ride for just $15!  If there's any left after the ride I'll be selling them through this website.

1 comment:

  1. The poster looks great! Your printer did a good as well. I'll be buying one if you have any left.


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