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Thursday, July 07, 2011

After the Divide, What Comes Next

Hello friends! April and I are currently in East Glacier Park, Montana. We've spent the last few days in Glacier National Park and will be spending a few more. I'll be talking about our experiences in Glacier so far in an upcoming post.

But I figured now would be a good time to talk about what's next on the horizon. We are not too far from the Canadian border, and we should be crossing over into Alberta (Waterton Lakes National Park) this weekend. Rather than do the "straight across" route through western Montana and North Dakota in order to get to Minnesota, we are going to take quite the meander through the Prairie Provinces. Why? Well, we want to see Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Alberta Rockies. And we want to visit people in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg. So why not?

Here's the rough, rough, ROUGH itinerary through the Prairies and the Upper Midwest:
  • Calgary: mid-week next week (July 13-14)
  • Edmonton: around July 23
  • Saskatoon: around July 30
  • Winnipeg: around Aug 7
  • Duluth: around Aug 14
  • Minneapolis: around Aug 20
  • Iowa City: around Aug 27

NOTE: We're on the fence on whether we'll visit Regina. I don't know anyone there, have not found anything about bicycle stuff, and the few people who I've talked to that know Regina tell me to AVOID it. So, if you know anything about this town and can "sell" me on it, please, go ahead!

Remember, you can find out where we are at Track My Tour. I update the tour map more often than I do the blog.

Oh yeah, BIG THANKS to everyone who contributed to our first IndieGoGo campaign! We raised $1,010 because of y'all! Woot! And we've decided to create a new IndieGoGo campaign to keep it going. So if you are so inclined, please visit our new campaign, Rolling East: April and Shawn's Cross-Continent Bicycle Expedition.

I'll probably not be able to get on the internet again until we reach Waterton Lakes, so see you then. There will be one or two posts in the interim to keep you occupied. Oh, the beauty of post-dating posts!

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