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Friday, September 28, 2012

Sydney Brompton Picnic poster: Urban Adventure League goes International

Here's a poster that I finished up over the weekend. It was commissioned by awesome transportation/touring bicycle shop Cheeky Transport in Sydney. Yep, that one, the one in Australia. This is the first time I've been commissioned by someone outside of North America!* Anyways, they are hosting a lovely Brompton picnic on Sunday October 14th. If you are in Sydney, and have a Brompton, I urge you to check it out!

(And if you want me to draw something for you, get in touch!)

*And the first time I've had to draw something in the "A-something" format. I had to look up the dimensions for the A3 size.


  1. Do you guys not use the A-number paper size format? I thought it was pretty much international.

    Lovely poster though, it the front light the Cyo?

    1. Yes, the A-number format is pretty much international. That's why we don't use it! ;-)
      The US and Canada use the old letter/ledger/tabloid format all based in inches. Thankfully Photoshop has the A3, A4, and A5 sizes pre-set, making it all easier.

      Yep, a Cyo.


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