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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Postcard club, May 2013 Edition

Those of you who have followed this blog for a bit know that I love mail. As in "real" or snail mail, whether sending it or receiving it. And I'm going on my first bike tour of the year in one short week. Would you like to receive a postcard from somewhere on the road? Well, get in on the postcard club! Simply email me your postal address by Friday May 10th to get on the list. I'll mail you a postcard to anywhere in the world! If you'd like to donate money towards postage, feel free to paypal me at my email address.


  1. I had no reply to my last postcard to you. Maybe it went astray or your reply did, and there's the problem with 'proper' mail. :0)

    1. Hmmm, I don't remember getting anything from you...

    2. One literary quote from the British Library and an aerial view of a Roman road running through South Shropshire?

    3. It sounds vaguely familiar but I can't say for sure. If it is, I'm pretty good at sending mail back out (provided there was a mailing address provided) but things can get lost, etc. My apologies. If you let me know where to send something I can definitely send something out when I go on tour.

  2. I think the problem was likely to have been Royal Mail. They have form for losing small items!

    1. Possibly. But let's quit "beating around the bush", shall we, Dexey? ;-) Just email me your postal address and you'll get a postcard soon. (Or just send it as a comment, as all comments on this post remain hidden until I post.)

  3. Hi, how much would postage be to the UK please? and would you be able to write out a few paragraphs on the postcard at all? thanks Karen

    1. Sorry Kaz, you were a bit too late as the deadline was May 10th. And I cant access/approve comments while I was on the road, so there was no way to get you this info sooner. So the answers given are more for "the next time" than anything else.
      1) Postage to anywhere outside of the United States of You Know What is $1.10
      2) I always write something on every postcard I send, as others can attest. I don't know if it would be exactly "a few paragraphs" but it is pretty substantial.


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