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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas! And a gift to you.

UPDATE 12/26/12: The contest is over!
A palm tree on Christmas? How Portland.
Happy holidays to all my readers out there. Hopefully your day is going well, wherever it be and whatever you do.

And since I'm in the giving mood, I figured I'd give a few of my readers a gift today. I'm going to give three of you the following: the zine/comic pack of NEW OLD STOCK #1 and CYCLE TOURING PRIMER, along with three buttons of your choice!

What do you have to do to get this? Email me your postal address (that be the address you get mail from your postal carrier, kiddos) and the three buttons you want (choose from the selection offered on the Store). I will send a zine/comic pack with three buttons to the first person who responds to me in the US, the first person who responds to me in Canada, and the first person who responds to me that isn't from either the US or Canada. (The contest is over!)

The Fine Print: This offer is only open to those who either never won anything from me in the last year. Oh yeah, if you already bought either of these zines, you're disqualified too. I want to keep this open to folks who haven't gotten anything from me in the past. YOU DISQUALIFY YOURSELF if you DON'T include your postal address in the email. YOU ALSO DISQUALIFY YOURSELF if you ask "Did/do I win?" And this offer expires at 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time on Friday, December 29th, 2012. You got yerselves a little over three days. Now go to it!


  1. Shawn

    When I click on the e-mail link I get google blank.
    But I really want those buttons. I got a post card from Gypsy Nick and some bicycle stuff from the Swell Guy...but buttons...well, I don't have any buttons.

    I do have a very unpristine copy of "The Fabulous '60's" edition of High Times magazine, number 94 June of 1983. Also, a rip off press edition of the fabulous furry freak brothers #8, "The Idiots Abroad."



    1. If you "left-clink" on the link, it's supposed to automatically open a "Compose Mail" in a mail program like Outlook Express. If you use a web-based email program (like Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc), one would "right-clink" the link, copy the email address, and then paste it onto an outgoing email in the web-based email program.

      You've already lost the contest (sorry) but I may be willing to trade you for the Freak Bros comic. Get in touch.
