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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Postcards from the Road, Fall 2007 Tour, Part 4 (the final installment.)

Here is the last four postcards I can find from my Fall Tour 2007, covering my time in Quebec and the Maritimes. This wasn't the end of the trip as spent the better part of a week in Halifax. Then I hitched a ride to Toronto for Canzine, then another ride to Dee-troit, and then finally a ride to Toledo, where I took the train back to Portland (with a side trip to Champaign-Urbana.

I'm guessing the lack of postcards from the last part of the trip was due to me losing the energy to send them. Sometimes it happens. Enjoy these, and remember you can click on the image to embiggen.


  1. I LOVE the last two :D

    The Disabled Cyclist

  2. Nice I like the post cards. I think the only postcard that I have ever sent was one that I sent to my dad from my basic training. It had a soldier coming out of the (training) gas chamber with words under it saying "this place is a gas!"


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